Today, is 4 years old.
I know, I've been neglecting the blog for some time, now - not to mention feature content, such as my last paper on game as creative tools, which is over a year old now and hasn't been translated so far.
Partially, I believe this is due to the fact that I've been busier than ever this last months(years), working both as a undergraduate professor, teaching virtual modelling and image treatment for design students, and also as designer at a computer graphics lab at the same university. And although I've been dealing with computer graphics and some interaction-based projects, they are not games (nor nongames).
However, I feel my participation here will increase very soon: I've been appointed curator for a game-related art exhibition, to be held at the university, being launched during a game symposium. I'll give more details as soon as I have a final version of the CFP in my hands, but you can expect a CFP for indie art-games, art made with ganes (machinima, elektroplancton music, Sims fiction, etc.), concept art and more.
So I guess there will be more to talk about around his blog, and maybe my participation here will be renew.
But for now, happy birthday!